Shop By Use: Selecting Seats For Your Intended Use

August 26, 2024 Edited January 30, 2025 18 view(s)
Shop By Use: Selecting Seats For Your Intended Use
Racing Seats Shop-By-Use CategoriesRacing Seats Shop-By-Use Categories

If you’ve come to RacingSeatsUSA without a good understanding of what is going to be required to buy automotive seat, you’re in the right place.  We’ve been selling racing seats and accessories from our Florida headquarters for a couple of decades and know that the secret to our success is to make your life easy.  And one of the easiest questions you can answer that will dramatically improve your experience here is, “How will you use your seat?”

While we have sold seats for everything from cars to boats to airplanes, the vast majority of our customers arrive looking for seats for one of these uses:  Street, Race, Off-Road, UTV, or Gaming

Street Seats – In this category you’re going to find seats that prioritize driving comfort over seat weight, reflect great value, and do not sacrifice side or rear view.  They mount easily into a broad range of year/make/models of car with one of the literally thousands of vehicle-specific brackets that we offer.

Racing Seats – These seats have a different set of priorities.  They must be light, they must be rigid, they must securely hold their occupants in the face of dramatic g-forces.  And while we have some great entry-level racing seats that do all of this well, some of the most advanced seats we offer are quite expensive, reflecting the level of competition in which the driver is participating.  These are almost exclusively “side-mounted” seats without any sort of slider or adjustment, using an available side-mount bracket that is custom-fitted to the chassis.

Off-Road Seats – These share some of the features of both street and racing seats, but with a priority on absorbing what can be extremely harsh impacts impost by off-road driving.  Many (but not all) of these seats are “suspension seats” in style, meaning that they “suspend” the occupant in strong elastic bands, allowing the seat to take the beating and more-or-less gently transfer the energy to the occupant.  Most also are able too better withstand the elements than would a Street seat.

UTV Seats – These are similar to and sometimes interchangeable with Off-road seats.  The big difference is that UTV seats are usually a bit smaller in size, making them more appropriate to the reduced space inside the UTV.  Additionally, many of these UTV seats are able to be direct-mounted into different UTVs without the need for any bracket at all.  Choose from both Individual and bench seats!

Gaming Seats – You already know what you want in a gaming seat.  Great looks, comfort, and suitability to the application.  One of the things you don’t want (or, generally, need) is to spend an outrageous amount of money on a seat that is designed to take extreme g-loads or survive outdoor weather.  So we’ve hand-selected seats that are exactly what you want without picking your pocket to pay for features you don’t need.

Select the category above that best suits your intended use.  Looking for something entirely different?  Then please contact us!  We’re excited to engage with you regarding  your unique requirement and get you exactly the seat you need!

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